Why should you purchase Commercial Hired and non owed auto insurance on a business owners policy

Author: Aaron Katz CLCS

Commercial Hired and Non-Owned Auto insurance (HNOA) is a type of coverage that can be added to a business owners policy (BOP). It provides liability protection for your business if an employee, or someone else acting on behalf of your business, causes an accident while driving a vehicle that is not owned by the business.

There are a few reasons why you may want to purchase HNOA coverage as part of your BOP:

Liability protection: If an employee causes an accident while driving a vehicle that is not owned by the business, HNOA coverage can help protect your business from financial liability.

Coverage for company events: If you host company events where employees or volunteers will be driving, HNOA coverage can provide protection in case of an accident.

Coverage for employees using their own vehicles: If you have employees who use their own vehicles for business purposes, HNOA coverage can provide protection in case of an accident.

Overall, HNOA coverage can help protect your business from financial liability in the event of an accident involving a vehicle that is not owned by the business. It is an important consideration for any business owner.